5. Install the dipstick.6. R eset the AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch to its original position.7. If the generator was running during a utility outage, first turnthe generator' s m ain circuit breaker back to the ON position.S econd, turn ON needed loads in the residence.Figure 4.3 — Oil Dipstick and Fill,14, 17 & 20kWOil DipstickOil Fill4.3 CHANGING THE ENGINE OILHot oil may cause burns. Allow engine to coolbefore draining oil. Avoid prolonged or repeatedskin exposure with used oil. Thoroughly washexposed areas with soap.4.3.1 OIL CHANGE INTERVALSS ee the " S ervice S chedule " section.4.3.2 ENGINE OIL RECOMMENDATIONSAll oil should m eet m ini mum Am erican Petroleu m Institute (API )S ervice Class SJ, SL or better. Use no special additives. S electthe oil ' s viscosity grade according to the expected operating te m-perature.SAE 30• Î Above 32° F10W-30• Î Between 40° F and -10° FSynthetic 5W-30• Î 10° F and belowS A E 3 0S A E 3 0S y n t h e t i c 5 W -3 0S y n t h e t i c 5 W -3 01 0 W -3 01 0 W -3 0Any attempt to crank or start the engine beforeit has been properly serviced with the recom-mended oil may result in an engine failure.4.3.3 OIL & OIL FILTER CHANGE PROCEDURETo change the oil, proceed as follows:1. S tart the engine by moving the AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch toMANUAL and run until it is thoroughly war m ed up. Then shutO FF the engine by moving the switch to the O FF position.2. I mm ediately after the engine shuts O FF, pull the oil drain hose( Figure 4.4) free of its retaining clip. R e move the cap from thehose and drain the oil into a suitable container.3. After the oil has drained, replace the cap onto the end of theoil drain hose. R etain the hose in the clip.Change the engine oil filter as follows:1. W ith the oil drained, re move the old oil filter by turning itcounterclockwise.2. Apply a light coating of clean engine oil to the gasket of thenew filter. S ee the Specifications section for recomm endedfilter.3. S crew the new filter on by hand until its gasket lightly contactsthe oil filter adapter. Then, tighten the filter an additional 3/4 toone turn ( Figure 4.4) .4. R efill with the proper recomm ended oil (see the Engine O ilR ecomm endations section) . S ee the Specifications sectionfor oil capacities.Figure 4.4 – Oil Drain Hose and FilterOil FilterOilDrainHoseLow Oil Switch High Temp SwitchLoosen5. S tart the engine, run for one (1) m inute, and check for leaks.6. Shutdown and recheck oil level, add as needed. DO NOTOVE R FI LL .7. R eset the AUTO/ O FF/MANUAL switch to the AUTO position.8. D ispose of used oil at a proper collection center.23Section 4 — MaintenanceAir-cooled Generators