162.5 ENGINE GOVERNOR ADJUSTMENTIf both AC frequency and voltage are correspondingly high or low,adjust the engine governor as follows:2.5.1 8 KW UNITSThe engine must be OFF to perform steps 1 and2.1. Loosen the governor cla mp bolt ( Figure 2.1) .2. Hold the governor lever at its wide open throttle position( clockwise ) , and rotate the governor shaft clockwise as faras it will go. Then, tighten the governor lever cla mp bolt to 70inch-pounds (8 N-m) .3. S tart the generator; let it stabilize and war m up at no-load.4. Connect a frequency m eter across the generators AC outputleads.Figure 2.1 — Engine Governor AdjustmentSingle Cylinder EnginesGOVERNORSHAFTPRIMARYADJUSTSCREWGOVERNORCLAMPBOLTSECONDARYADJUST SCREW5. Turn the pri m ary adjust screw to obtain a frequency readingof 61.5 H ertz. Turn the secondary adjust screw to obtain afrequency of 62.5 Hz.2.5.2 10, 14, 17 & 20KW UNITSNOTE:All V-twin units DO NOT require an engine governoradjustment due to their design.2.5.3 ADDITIONAL CORROSIONPROTECTIONPeriodically spray all engine linkage parts and brackets with corro-sion inhibiting spray such as WD -40 or a comparable product.2.6 VOLTAGE REGULATORADJUSTMENT2.6.1 8 & 10KW UNITSDue to the brushless design of these two alternators, no voltageregulator is used and therefore no voltage adjust m ent is required.2.6.2 14, 17 & 20KW UNITSW ith the frequency between 59.5 -60.5 H ertz at no-load, slowlyturn the slotted potentiom eter ( Figure 2.2) until line voltage reads247-249 volts.Figure 2.2 – Voltage Adjustment PotentiometerTurn toadjust voltage.NOTE:The access panel on top of the control panel must beremoved to adjust the voltage regulator.NOTE:The voltage regulator is housed behind the genera-tor ' s control panel. The regulator maintains a voltagein direct proportion to frequency at a 2-to-1 ratio. Forexample, at 60 Hertz, line-to-neutral voltage will be124 volts.Section 2 — Post Installation Start-up and AdjustmentsAir-cooled Generators