INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing this compact, high perfor m ance, air-cooled, engine-driven generator. It is designed to autom aticallysupply electrical power to operate critical loads during a utilitypower failure.This unit is factory installed in an all-weather, m etal enclosure thatis intended exclusively for outdoor installation. This generatorwill operate using either vapor withdrawn liquid propane (LP ) ornatural gas (NG) .NOTE:This generator is suitable for supplying typicalresidential loads such as Induction Motors (sumppumps, refrigerators, air conditioners, furnaces, etc.),Electronic Components (computer, monitor, TV, etc.),Lighting Loads and Microwaves.READ THIS MANUAL THOROUGHLYIf any portion of this m anual is not understood, contact the nearestD ealer for starting, operating and servicing procedures.Throughout this publication, and on tags and decals affixed to thegenerator, DANGE R , WARNI NG , CAUTI ON and NOTE blocks areused to alert personnel to special instructions about a particularoperation that m ay be hazardous if perfor m ed incorrectly or care-lessly. Observe the m carefully. Their definitions are as follows:DANGERAfter this heading, read instructions that, if notstrictly complied with, will result in serious per-sonal injury, including death, in addition to prop-erty damage.After this heading, read instructions that, if notstrictly complied with, may result in serious per-sonal injury or property damage.After this heading, read instructions that, if notstrictly complied with, could result in damage toequipment and/or property.NOTE:After this heading, read explanatory statements thatrequire special emphasis.These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazards that theyindicate. Common sense and strict compliance with the specialinstructions while performing the service are essential to pre-venting accidents.Four commonly used safety symbols accompany the DANGE R ,WARNI NG and CAUTI ON blocks. The type of infor m ation eachindicates follows:This symbol points out important safety informa-tion that, if not followed, could endanger per-sonal safety and/or property of others. This symbol points out potential explosion haz-ard. This symbol points out potential fire hazard. This symbol points out potential electrical shockhazard.The operator is responsible for proper and safe use of the equip-m ent. The m anufacturer strongly recomm ends that the operatorread thisOwner's Manual and thoroughly understand all instruc-tions before using this equip m ent. The m anufacturer also stronglyrecomm ends instructing other users to properly start and operatethe unit. This prepares the m if they need to operate the equip m entin an e m ergency.CONTENTSThis m anual contains pertinent owner’s infor m ation for thesemodels:7 k W NG , 8 k W LP, single-cylinder GH-410 Engine•9 k W NG , 10 k W LP, V-twin GT-530 Engine•13 k W NG , 14 k W LP, V-twin GT-990 Engine•16 k W NG , 17 k W LP, V-twin GT-990 Engine•18 k W NG , 20 k W LP, V-twin GT-999 Engine•OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEIt is the operator' s responsibility to perfor m all safety checks, tom ake sure that all m aintenance for safe operation is perfor m edpromptly, and to have the equip m ent checked periodically by aD ealer. Nor m al m aintenance service and replace m ent of partsare the responsibility of the owner/operator and, as such, are notconsidered defects in m aterials or work m anship within the ter msof the warranty. Individual operating habits and usage contribute tothe need for m aintenance service.Proper m aintenance and care of the generator ensures a m ini mumnumber of proble ms and keep operating expenses at a m ini mum .S ee a D ealer for service aids and accessories.HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICEWhen the generator requires servicing or repairs, contact a D ealerfor assistance. S ervice technicians are factory-trained and arecapable of handling all service needs.When contacting a D ealer about parts and service, always supplythe complete model number and serial number of the unit as givenon its data decal, which is located on the generator. S ee section "TheG enerator" for decal location.Model No. _________________ Serial No. ______________