1510. Connect an accurate AC volt m eter and a frequency m eteracross transfer switch ter m inal lugs E1 and E2. 8k W voltageshould be 230-240 volts at a frequency of 61-63 H ertz. 14,17 and 20k W voltage should be 247-249 at a frequency of59.5-60.5 H ertz. 10k W voltage should be 220-230 volts at afrequency of 59.5-60.5 H ertz.11. Connect the AC volt m eter test leads across ter m inal lugs E1and neutral; then across E2 and neutral. In both cases, volt-age reading should be 121-126 volts AC (8k W) , and 125-126volts AC (10, 14, 17 and 20k W) .12. S et the generator’s m ain circuit breaker to its O FF (or OPE N)position. L et the engine run at no-load for a few m inutes tostabilize internal engine generator te mperatures.13. S et the generator' s AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch to O FF. Theengine should shut down.NOTE:It is important not to proceed until certain that gener-ator AC voltage and frequency are correct and withinthe stated limits. Generally, if both AC frequency andvoltage are high or low, the engine governor requiresadjustment* (*GH410 only). If frequency is correct,but voltage is high or low, the generator’s voltageregulator requires adjustment.2.3 GENERATOR TESTS UNDER LOADTo test the generator set with electrical loads applied, proceed asfollows:1. S et generator’s m ain circuit breaker to its O FF (or OPE N) posi-tion.2. Turn O FF all loads connected to the transfer switch ter m inalsT1 and T2.3. S et the generator' s AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch to O FF.4. Turn O FF the utility power supply to the transfer switch,using the m eans provided (such as a utility m ain line circuitbreaker) . Do not attempt manual transfer switch operationuntil all power voltage supplies to the transferswitch have been positively turned off. Failure toturn off all power voltage supplies will result inextremely hazardous and possibly fatal electri-cal shock.5. Manually set the transfer switch to the STANDBY position, i.e.,load ter m inals connected to the generator' s E1/E2 ter m inals.The transfer switch operating lever should be down.6. S et the generator' s AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch to MANUAL .The engine should crank and start i mm ediately.7. L et the engine stabilize and war m up for a few m inutes.8. S et the generator’s m ain circuit breaker to its ON (or C LOSE D)position. Loads are now powered by the standby generator.9. Turn ON the load center fed by the transfer switch (T1 andT2) .10. Connect an accurate AC volt m eter and a frequency m eteracross ter m inal lugs E1 and E2.8k W voltage should be greater than 230 volts and frequency•should be greater than 58 Hz.10,• 14, 17 and 20k W voltage should be greater than 240 voltsand frequency should be 60 Hz.11. L et the generator run at full rated load for 20-30 m inutes.L isten for unusual noises, vibration or other indications ofabnor m al operation. Check for oil leaks, evidence of overheat-ing, etc.12. When testing under load is complete, turn O FF electricalloads.13. S et the generator' s m ain circuit breaker to its O FF (or OPE N)position.14. L et the engine run at no-load for a few m inutes.15. S et the AUTO/ O FF/MANUAL switch to O FF. The engine shouldshut down.2.4 CHECKING AUTOMATIC OPERATIONTo check the syste m for proper autom atic operation, proceed asfollows:1. S et generator’s m ain circuit breaker to its O FF (or OPE N) posi-tion.2. Check that the AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch is set to O FF.3. Turn O FF the utility power supply to the transfer switch, usingm eans provided (such as a utility m ain line circuit breaker) .4. Manually set the transfer switch to the UTI LITY position, i.e.,load ter m inals connected to the utility power source side.5. Turn ON the utility power supply to the transfer switch,using the m eans provided (such as a utility m ain line circuitbreaker) .6. S et the generator' s m ain circuit breaker to its ON (or C LOSE D)position.7. S et the AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch to AUTO. The syste m isnow ready for autom atic operation.8. Turn O FF the utility power supply to the transfer switch.W ith the AUTO/O FF/MANUAL switch at AUTO, the engine shouldcrank and start when the utility source power is turned O FF after a10 second delay. After starting, the transfer switch should connectload circuits to the standby side after a 20 to 50 second selectabledelay. L et the syste m go through its entire autom atic sequence ofoperation.W ith the generator running and loads powered by generator ACoutput, turn ON the utility power supply to the transfer switch. Thefollowing should occur:After about 10 seconds, the switch should transfer loads back•to the utility power source.About one m inute after re-transfer, the engine should shut•down.•Section 2 — Post Installation Start-up and AdjustmentsAir-cooled Generators