33..22 LLooookkiinngg iinnssiiddee tthhee UUPPSS ssyysstteemmFigure 2. Looking inside the Eaton 91PS/93PS UPS 8-10 kW standard frame1. Control panel2. Door latch3. Communications area4. Battery breaker5. Internal battery6. Switches7. Client connectionsThe static bypass line consists of a static switch and a backfeed protection isolation device connected inseries. In addition, there is a system level control unit that constantly monitors the power delivered throughthe bypass line or to the input of the UPS. Transfers to static bypass are seamless and performedautomatically by the system as needed, for example, in case of an extended system overload.Each UPS is able to operate and share the load independently, despite the status of the other UPSs.The 91PS/93PS UPS 10 kW frame includes rectifier, inverter, battery converter, controls and 10 kW staticbypass. In addition to the internal batteries, external batteries can also be connected.WARNINGHazardous voltage can exist in the battery circuit until disconnected fromexternal battery source.The rectifier input switch, battery breaker and internal MBS are available as standard for all the models.If utility power is interrupted or falls outside the parameters specified in Chapter 9.1 About technical data,the UPS uses a backup battery supply to maintain power to the critical load for a specified period of timeor until the utility power returns. For extended power outages, the UPS allows you to either transfer to analternative power system (such as a generator) or shut down your critical load in an orderly manner. TheUPS bypass consists of a continuous-duty static switch and a backfeed protection isolation device. All themodels also include an internal fuse in the bypass line. The backfeed protection and bypass fuse arelocated in series with the static switch.EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 www.eaton.eu 1166