When a system event occurs, a message appears in the status bar of the display. This message is alsowritten to the Active Events log. Some notices and alarms may be accompanied by an audible horn. Tosilence the horn, press any button once.77..22..44 MMeennuu ssttrruuccttuurree ooff tthhee 9911PPSS//9933PPSS UUPPSSThe following table shows the menu structure of the 91PS/93PS UPS.Table 20. Menu structure of the 91PS/93PS UPSMain menu Submenu FunctionsHome - An overview of the UPS operation, includinginformation on load, efficiency andconsumption.Meters Meters summary A summary of the UPS or system meters.Input meters Detailed information on UPS or systeminput meters.Bypass meters Detailed information on UPS or systembypass meters.Output meters Detailed information on UPS or systemoutput meters.UPM PowerBattery meters Detailed information on UPS or systembattery meters.Controls System controls Go to bypassGo OnlineLoad OffUPS controls Turn Off ChargerRun battery testShut down UPSEAA controls ESS:• Enable• DisableABM:• Enable• Disable• ConfigureClear logsClear statusClear alarmsMimics UPS mimics An overview of the UPS operation, includinginformation on load, efficiency andconsumption. If there is an error, an errorindicator is displayed next to the affectedpart. Active events log can be opened bytapping the error indicator.EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 www.eaton.eu 6666