Figure 9. Dimensions of Eaton 91PS/93PS UPS 8-10 kW without and with a side car44..44..33 UUPPSS ssyysstteemm ppoowweerr wwiirriinngg pprreeppaarraattiioonnssNOTE: If you are installing a maintenance bypass, provide one of the following:• a minimum of 2 separate feeds with upstream feeder breakers• a single feed with 2 upstream feeder breakers: one for the UPS or rectifier input breaker and one forthe maintenance bypass input.NOTE: Do not use a single feed or a single feeder breaker to supply• the maintenance bypass and the UPS, or• the maintenance bypass and the rectifier input breaker.NOTE: If a bypass input breaker is installed in the maintenance bypass and a single- feed UPS is beinginstalled, a single feed to the maintenance bypass is acceptable for supplying both the UPS and thebypass.When you plan and perform the installation, read and understand the following notes.WARNINGHIGH TOUCH CURRENT. EARTH CONNECTION ESSENTIAL BEFORECONNECTING SUPPLY. As a result of the connected loads high leakagecurrent is possible. Connection of the earth (ground) is required for properproduct operation. Do not check UPS operation by removal of the earth(ground) connection.• Refer to the national and local electrical codes for acceptable external wiring practices.• To allow for future kVA upgrades (software), consider using conductors that are sized for the fullbypass rating of the UPS.• Material and labor for external wiring requirements must be provided by designated personnel.• For external wiring, use copper cable rated for 70 °C at minimum. See the appropriate information inTables 10: Minimum recommended multi-core cable and fuse sizes for rectifier and bypass input andUPS output cables (3 phase input, 3 phase output models), 11: Minimum recommended multi-corecable and fuse sizes for rectifier input, bypass input and UPS output cables (3 phase input, 1 phaseoutput) and 12: Minimum recommended multi-core cable and fuse sizes for rectifier and bypass inputand UPS output cables (1 phase input, 1 phase output). Cable sizes are based on using the specifiedbreakers.EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 3311