UPS is back in operation.In an external parallel redundant system, each UPS can be isolated from the system for service while theremaining UPSs support the load in the double conversion mode.33..33..11..22 EEnneerrggyy SSaavveerr SSyysstteemm mmooddeeFigure 4: Path of current through the UPS in the Energy Saver System mode shows the path of electricalpower through the UPS system when the UPS is operating in the Energy Saver System (ESS) mode.Figure 4. Path of current through the UPS in the Energy Saver System modeA Static switch 1 Bypass input Main power flowB Rectifier 2 Rectifier input EnergizedC Inverter 3 Output De-energizedD Battery converter 4 Battery breaker Trickle currentE Battery ClosedOpenIn the ESS mode, the UPS safely provides mains current directly to the load when the input is within theacceptable limits by its voltage and frequency. The UPS status indicated on the display is Unit OnlineESS, and the UPM status is Active. Surge board is no longer used in UPS design. In case anydisturbances are detected in the incoming power, the UPS switches to the double conversion mode andcontinues to supply the critical load through its inverter. In case of a complete utility outage or if the inputpower is outside the tolerances of the system, the UPS transfers to the battery mode and continues tosupply conditioned, clean power to the critical load.When operating in the ESS mode, the UPS's superior detection and control algorithms continuouslymonitor the incoming power quality and allow fast engagement of the power converters. Typical transitiontime to the double conversion mode is less than 2 milliseconds, which is practically seamless.EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 1199