Category Descriptionrestricted to only the privilege levels necessary to complete their jobroles/functions.• Ensure that default credentials are changed upon first login. TheUPS should not be commissioned for production with defaultcredentials. It is a serious cybersecurity flaw as the defaultcredentials are published in the manuals.• No password sharing - Make sure that each user gets their ownpassword for that desired functionality instead of sharing thepasswords. Security monitoring features of the UPS are created withthe view of each user having their own unique password. Securitycontrols will be weakened as soon as the users start sharing thepassword.• Restrict administrative privileges - Threat actors are increasinglyfocused on gaining control of legitimate credentials, especially thoseassociated with highly privileged accounts. Limit privileges to onlythose needed for a user’s duties.• Perform periodic account maintenance (remove unused accounts).• Change passwords and other system access credentials wheneverthere is a personnel change.Access to service screen and configuration screen is access-controlled. Access to UPS features is restricted based on roles:1. Configuration screen can be accessed by the User role.2. Service screen can be accessed only by the Service engineer role.The following are the access levels in the UPS:• Level 1: Control password for User• Level 2: Configure password for User• Level 3: Service password for an authorized Eaton CustomerService Engineer or qualified service personnel authorized by EatonUsers are recommended to change default passwords on first use ofthe system. The default session timeout is 10 minutes.The UPS does not enforce any account policies. Customers need toenforce their account policies.Logging and eventmanagementBest practices:• Our company recommends that all administrative and maintenanceactivities are logged.• Ensure that logs are backed up. Retain the backups for a minimumof 3 months or as per the organization’s security policy.• Perform log review at a minimum every 15 days.The UPS supports the following logging mechanisms:• The UPS logs all active events, alarms and notices• Configuration changes made are logged (language change, modifyUPS name, etc.)EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 8877