4. Turn the battery breaker CB1 to the ON position. Make sure that the breakers in the external batterycabinets are ON.5. Make sure that there are no active alarms on display.6. In the home screen, press Controls.The System controls screen appears.7. Select UPS controls (Single UPS) or System controls (UPS system).8. Press the GO online button. Confirm GO online.The UPS system is now operating in the double conversion mode. The green status indicator for normaloperation is lit in all the UPSs in the system.77..44..22 SSttaarrttiinngg tthhee UUPPSS ssyysstteemm iinn tthhee bbyyppaassss mmooddeeCAUTIONIn the bypass mode, the critical load is not protected from mains powerinterruptions and abnormalities.If the inverter output of the UPS is not available and the critical load needs to be energized, perform thefollowing procedure:1. Make sure that the UPS input and bypass (if dual feed) feeder circuit breakers are in the ON position.2. In the home screen, press Controls.3. Select System controls.4. In the System controls screen, press the Go to bypass button.Confirm your selection.The UPS system is now operating in the bypass mode. The yellow bypass status LED indicator is lit.77..44..33 TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg ffrroomm tthhee ddoouubbllee ccoonnvveerrssiioonn mmooddee ttoo tthhee bbyyppaassss mmooddeeCAUTIONIn the bypass mode, the critical load is not protected from mains powerinterruptions and abnormalities.To transfer the critical load to the bypass mode, perform the following procedure:1. In the home screen, press Controls.The System controls screen appears.2. In the System controls screen, press the Go to bypass button. Confirm your selection.The UPS system transfers to the bypass mode and the critical load is immediately supplied bythe bypass source. If the bypass source is not available, the power processor remains on and analarm sounds.NOTE: If bypass is not connected, it is greyed out. In this case there is no alarm sound.The UPS system is now operating in the bypass mode and the yellow bypass status indicator is lit. Thestatus is shown as UPS On Bypass.EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 www.eaton.eu 6699