C Inverter 3 Output De-energizedD Battery converter 4 Battery breaker Trickle currentE Battery Closed OpenIn the bypass mode, the output of the system is provided with AC power directly from the system input.While in this mode, the output of the system is not protected from voltage or frequency fluctuations orpower outages from the source. Some power line filtering and transient protection is provided to the load,but no active power conditioning or battery support is available to the output of the system in the bypassmode.The static bypass consists of a solid-state, silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) static switch (STSW) and abackfeed protection isolation device K5. The static switch is rated as a continuous-duty device that is usedanytime the inverter is unable to support the applied load. The static switch is wired in series with thebackfeed protection. As the static switch is an electronically-controlled device, it can be turned onimmediately to pick up the load from the inverter without interruption. The backfeed protection is normallyalways closed, ready to support the static switch unless the bypass input source becomes unavailable.33..33..44 MMaaiinntteennaannccee BByyppaassss SSwwiittcchhThe Maintenance Bypass Switch (MBS) enables power to completely bypass and isolate the UPS so thatthe UPS can be safely serviced or replaced without interrupting power to critical systems.An internal Maintenance Bypass Switch is provided as a standard. The MBS functionality is formed byfour separate switches:• Rectifier Input Switch (RIS)• Bypass Input Switch (BIS)• Maintenance Isolation Switch (MIS)• Maintenance ByPass (MBP)Alternatively, MBS solutions are also available in an external enclosure as accessory items.Figure 7. UPS wiring diagram including MBSEATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 www.eaton.eu 2222