If you are installing a customer-supplied battery system, install the battery system according to the batteryand battery system manufacturer’s instructions and all the applicable national codes and regulations. Onlyqualified personnel may install the battery system. Battery cables must be protected against current andthermal overload, that is, the battery system must include proper fuses or breaker with protection function.Ground the external battery cabinet to the UPS.The default battery settings of the UPS are for 12 V VRLA batteries. If you need to use any other type ofbatteries, contact your Eaton representative. For the battery specification, see Section 9.6 Batteryspecification.55..55..11 BBaatttteerryy ttrriipp wwiirriinnggThe 91PS/93PS 8-10 kW UPS units are always equipped with an internal battery breaker, which affectsonly the UPS internal batteries (including the battery sidecar). The external battery breaker is a crucialpart of the external battery cabinet or rack and must be placed in it. With the external battery breaker,signal cabling is important.Both internal and external battery breakers can be tripped (switched off) by energizing its shunt trip coil.The shunt trip coils of external battery breakers are energized (controlled) through connector TB20. Thedefault voltage of the shunt trip coil is 24 Vdc.Figure 15. Battery trip wiring, TB20A External battery breaker 3 Pin 3, AUX contact1 Pin 1, shunt trip coil + 4 Pin 4, AUX contact return2 Pin 2, shunt trip coil –55..66 IInnssttaalllliinngg aaddddiittiioonnaall bbaatttteerriieess aanndd bbaatttteerryy ppoowweerr ccaabblliinnggThe battery runtime can be extended with an optional sidecar cabinet and/or external battery cabinet(s).EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 www.eaton.eu 4477