5 UPS system installation55..11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo UUPPSS ssyysstteemm iinnssttaallllaattiioonnThe operator has to supply the wiring to connect the UPS to the local power source. The installation of theUPS must be made by a locally qualified electrician. The electrical installation procedure is described inthe following section. The installation inspection and the initial start-up of the UPS and installing an extrabattery cabinet must be carried out by an authorized Eaton Field Service Engineer or by other qualifiedservice personnel authorized by Eaton.CAUTIONTo avoid physical injury or death, or damage to the UPS or the load equipment,follow these instructions during the UPS system installation.CAUTIONIn case of condensed moisture inside the UPS cabinet, dry the cabinet with ablower before starting up the system.55..22 SStteeppss ttoo iinnssttaallll tthhee UUPPSSPower and control wiring are routed through the rear of the cabinet with connections made to easilyaccessible terminals, see Figure 12: Gland plate and connector locations.To install and connect the power cabling of the external battery to the UPS, see Section 5.5 Battery systeminstallation.Figure 12. Gland plate and connector locations1. Connectors 2. Gland plateEATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 www.eaton.eu 4411