Signal inputs can be configured to different functions. Normally these functions are either informative (forexample, “On Generator”) or functional (for example, a remote “Go to bypass” command).55..88..22 BBaatttteerryy bbrreeaakkeerr wwiirriinngg iinntteerrffaacceeWhen using the original accessory battery cabinet from the manufacturer, the battery breaker interfacewiring is provided with the cabinet. Connecting it requires only routing the wires from the cabinet toterminal TB20.When using a third-party battery system, the breaker must be equipped with auxiliary signal and shouldhave a 24 V shunt trip for remote opening of the breaker, when needed.Wire entry for the battery breaker signal wiring is located in the middle of the UPS cabinet. Punch holesare located on the left or right side panel, back wall or bottom plate.See Section 5.5.1 Battery trip wiring for installation instructions.55..88..33 RReellaayy oouuttppuutt iinntteerrffaaccee ccoonnnneeccttiioonnssThe general alarm relay is a dry relay signal output. The relay can be used for informing the operatorsabout UPS alarm conditions, for example through a building management system. By default, the relay isconfigured to activate when the UPS general alarm is active, that is, any event when the ALARM status isactive. The relay can also be configured to activate by some other event, but this needs to be done byauthorized service personnel.Relay signal wiring can be installed only through the signal cabling canal, from back to front, in the topsection of the UPS.Additional relay outputs are available with mini-slot cards. Relay outputs can be configured to be activatedby various events. Configuration can be done by an authorized Eaton Field Service Engineer or by otherqualified service personnel authorized by Eaton.55..88..44 IInndduussttrriiaall RReellaayy CCaarrdd iinntteerrffaaccee ccoonnnneeccttiioonnssRelays K1 through K5 are identical in function. Each output contact function can be assigned by the user. The UPSinformation may also be configurable.To install the INDRELAY-MS:1. Examine that the ancillary equipment system is turned off and all the power sources are removed.Refer to the appropriate operation manual of any ancillary equipment for shutdown instructions.2. Install wiring from the IRC to the monitoring equipment using appropriate conduits through the cableexit opening in the IRC.3. Connect wiring between the IRC terminal blocks and the monitoring equipment using terminations.Connect one wire to COM (Common) and another to either NC or NO to select the Normally Open orNormally Closed option.4. Install the INDRELAY-MS into an open MiniSlot communication bay in the UPS cabinet.EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 5500