When in the Power Conditioner mode, the UPS has the following functionality and limitations:1. The UPS runs in the double conversion mode and the battery alarms are turned off.2. Because there is no battery, loss of utility power results in the UPS losing power and shutting down.3. The UPS sustains up to -50% input voltage tolerance, unless the current limit is reached.4. If the rectifier is turned off, the UPS attempts a transfer to the bypass mode.5. The ESS mode is not available.33..44..44 FFrreeqquueennccyy CCoonnvveerrtteerrThe Frequency Converter mode is characterized by the UPS running without the bypass mode available.The output frequency can be configured to be different from the standard input frequency (for example, 60Hz output, 50 Hz input). The UPS can also support high nonlinear loads without iTHD on the input. TheUPS meets the qualifications outlined in this product specification, except for the conditions below.When in the Frequency Converter mode, the UPS has the following functionality and limitations:1. Operation is the same as when in the double conversion mode with no bypass available.2. Bypass alarms are suppressed.33..55 SSooffttwwaarree aanndd ccoonnnneeccttiivviittyy ffeeaattuurreess33..55..11 UUsseerr iinntteerrffaacceeMiniSlot Communication Bays - there are 2 communication bays for MiniSlot connectivity cards. MiniSlotcards are quickly installed and are hot-pluggable. See Chapter 6.1 Introduction to communicationinterfaces for additional information.33..55..22 PPoowweerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSooffttwwaarreeIntelligent Power software products offer tools for monitoring and managing power devices across thenetwork. See Chapter 6.1 Introduction to communication interfaces for more information.33..66 OOppttiioonnss aanndd aacccceessssoorriieessContact your Eaton sales representative for more information about the available options andaccessories.33..66..11 EExxtteerrnnaall MMaaiinntteennaannccee BByyppaassss SSwwiittcchh PPaanneell ((aacccceessssoorryy))The external MBS is enclosed in its own separate cabinet, which can be either a wall-mounted or stand-alone cabinet depending on the MBS power rating. The MBS wiring has two different options: two- andthreeswitch configuration. The two-switch model contains a maintenance isolation switch and amaintenance bypass switch. In addition to these, the three-switch model contains a bypass input breaker.The external MBS enclosures are IP22 classified.The two-switch model assumes that the UPS rectifier and bypass are coupled through dedicated breakersand separate cables from the switchgear. However, the three-switch model can be connected to theswitchgear with only a single cable, and the cable connections between the panel and UPS are runseparately.For external MBS installation instructions, see the installation instruction shipped with the unit.EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 www.eaton.eu 2244