4 UPS installation plan and unpacking44..11 TToo iinnssttaallll tthhee UUPPSSUse the following basic sequence of steps to install the UPS:1. Create an installation plan for the UPS system.2. Prepare your site for the UPS system.3. Inspect and unpack the UPS cabinet.4. Unload and install the UPS cabinet and wire the system.5. Complete the installation checklist provided in Section 4.3 Installation checklist.6. Have authorized service personnel do the preliminary operational checks and startup.NOTE: Startup and operational checks must be done by an authorized Eaton Field Service Engineer or byother qualified service personnel authorized by Eaton, or the terms specified in the Warranty (see Section10.1 General information about warranty) become void. This service is offered as a part of the salescontract for the UPS. Contact service in advance (usually a two-week notice is required) to reserve apreferred startup date.44..22 CCrreeaattee aann iinnssttaallllaattiioonn ppllaannBefore you install the UPS system, read and understand how these instructions apply to the system thatyou are going to install. Use the procedures and illustrations in Section 4.4 Site preparations and Chapter5.1 Introduction to UPS system installation to create a logical plan for installing the system.44..33 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn cchheecckklliissttTable 5. Installation checklistAction Yes/NoAll packing materials and restraints are removed from each cabinet.Each cabinet in the UPS system is placed in its installed location.A cabinet grounding kit / mounting kit is installed between any cabinets that arebolted together.All conduits and cables are properly routed to the UPS and any ancillary cabinets.All power cables are properly sized and terminated.Neutral conductors are installed and bonded to ground according to therequirements.A ground conductor is properly installed.Battery cables are terminated and connected to battery connectors.EATON 91PS/93PS UPS USER’S AND INSTALLATIONGUIDEP-164000672 - 005 2023 www.eaton.eu 2266