4 Sounder - dB3B TM264 June 2019 www.eaton.comSounder - DB3BEnglishEx d & Ex de – DC input, dual stage common+ve with monitoring (standard configuration)wiring details (Types 7 & 8)Connect up to 4 supply wires to the terminals as detailedin the wiring diagram. Stage 1 is produced when power isapplied across the common +ve and stage 1 -ve terminals.Stage 2 is produced when power is applied across thecommon +ve and stage 2 -ve terminals.Monitoring functionality is obtained when the supply isconnected across M1 & M2 terminals.Noee:N monitored terminals are not polarity dependent.DB3B DC DUAL STAGECOMMON POSITIVE CONFIGURATIONWITH MONITORINGMONITORING FUNCTIONALITY ONLYAVAILABLE WHEN RESISTOR IS FITTEDEx de12341234Ex d12345678COMMON +VE / M1 INSTAGE 1 -VE INM2 INSTAGE 2 -VE INCOMMON +VE / M1 OUTSTAGE 1 -VE OUTM2 OUTSTAGE 2 -VE OUT R1Ex d & Ex de – DC input, up to 3 stage with orwithout monitoring (alternative configuration)wiring details (Types 9 & 10)Noee:N This alternative configuration must be specifiedwhen ordering the unit.This type can be connected either as a three stagecommon –ve configuration, or if an optional EOL is specifiedif can be configured as a dual stage common –ve systemwith monitoring.• 4-wire sysoem (Triple soage, CNmmNn +ve)e: Connect4 supply wires to the terminals as detailed in the wiringdiagram (1 common +ve wire and 3 -ve wires). Stage 1is produced when power is applied across the common+ve and stage 1 -ve terminals. Stage 2 is producedwhen power is applied across the common +ve andstage 2 -ve terminals. Stage 3 is produced whenpower is applied across the common +ve and stage3 -ve terminals.• 4-wire sysoem (Dual soage, cNmmNn –ve wiohmNnioNring)e: Connect up to 4 supply wires to theterminals as detailed in the wiring diagram. Stage 1 isproduced when power is applied across the common-ve and stage 1 +ve terminals. Stage 2 is producedwhen power is applied across the common -ve andstage 2 +ve terminals.Monitoring functionality is obtained when the supply isconnected across M1 & M2 terminals.NNoee: monitored terminals are not polarity dependent.R1DB3B DC TRIPLE STAGECOMMON POSITIVECONFIGURATIONDB3B DC DUAL STAGECOMMON NEGATIVE CONFIGURATIONWITH MONITORINGMONITORING FUNCTIONALITY ONLYAVAILABLE WHEN RESISTOR IS FITTEDR1COMMON +VE INSTAGE 1 -VE INSTAGE 3 -VE INSTAGE 2 -VE INCOMMON +VE OUTSTAGE 1 -VE OUTSTAGE 3 -VE OUTSTAGE 2 -VE OUTSTAGE 2 +VE INM1 INSTAGE 1 +VE INCOMMON -VE / M2 INSTAGE 2 +VE OUTM1 OUTSTAGE 1 +VE OUTCOMMON -VE / M2 OUTEx d12345678Ex de12341234Ex d12345678Ex de12341234Ex d & Ex de – DC input, dual stage common +vediagram (Types 7 & 8)Ex d & Ex de – DC input, up to 3 stage diagrams(Types 9 & 10)