Group 70 — Protective Functions5-58 MVX9000 User ManualDescriptions ofParameter SettingsFigure 5-50: Output Voltage Adjustment70.10Auto energy-saving Range: Default: 0000 Disable auto energy-saving operation01 Enable auto energy-saving operation70.11Under CurrentDetection ValueRange: Default: 0.00.0 Disabled0.1 to No Load AmpsThe under current detection level of the AC drive. The valuemust be smaller than or equal to Motor No-Load Current(60.02).70.12Under CurrentDetection ModeRange: Default: 00 or 1Setting 0 = If the output current falls below 70.11, then thedrive will generate an output fault via one of the digitaloutputs.Setting 1 = If the output current falls below 70.11, then thedrive will generate an output fault, the drive will stop andshow “Uc” on the keypad display.70.13Under CurrentDetection TimeRange: Default: 1.00.0 to 20.0 sec.The parameter determines the delay time before an undercurrent output fault will occur.OutputVoltageFrequencyBase70%100%0 Output VoltageWith energy-saving enabled,the drive automaticallyadjusts the output voltagebased on the output powerlevel. The maximum outputvoltage reduction is 30%.