Group 30 — InputsMVX9000 User Manual 5-21Descriptions ofParameter SettingsSettings 19, 20Setting 19 allows an input terminal to generate an “External Pause”. When theExternal Pause signal is received, the AC drive will stop all output and the motorwill coast to a stop. When the External Pause control is removed, the AC drivewill start its speed search function, synchronize with the motor speed, and thenaccelerate to Master frequency.Figure 5-23: Digital Input Terminal Settings 19, 20Setting 21Allows an input terminal to disable PID operation as shown in Figure 5-24.Figure 5-24: Digital Input Terminal Setting 2120:Pause(NC)19:Pause(NO)RO3 RO2 RO1 DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6 COM AO+ AI1 +10V AI2 DO1 DOCCOMSpeed SearchOperationSpeed SynchronizationDetectionSpeed SearchStarts with theReference Value50.25Min. PauseTimeCapacitorDischargeOutputVoltageOutputFrequencyExternalPauseSignalOFF ON OFF21:PID DisableRO3 RO2 RO1 DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6 COM AO+ AI1 +10V AI2 DO1 DOCCOM