Group 50 — AC Drive Control5-36 MVX9000 User ManualDescriptions ofParameter Settings50.17Transition Point forDeceleration Time 1 to 2Range: Default: 0.00.0 Disabled0.1 to 400 Hz Enabled50.18Acceleration S-Curve Range: Default: 0.00.0 Enabled0.1 to 400 Hz Disabled50.19Deceleration S-Curve Range: See Parameter 50.18 Default: 00The above two parameters are used to smooth out thetransition between the acceleration/deceleration and steadystate speed. The S-Curve is enabled with settings of 1 to 7,with the highest number generating the smoothesttransition.Figure 5-38: S-Curve EffectsTimeNormalAccelerationTime1 or 2S-CurveDisabledNormalDecelerationTime1 or 2TimeFrequencyS-CurveCharacteristicsS-CurveEnabledS-CurveCharacteristics