Motor Operation Precautions3-10 MVX9000 User ManualStorage andInstallationFigure 3-6: Parallel Grounding• When the AC drive output terminals U/T1, V/T2 and W/T3 are connected tothe motor terminals T1, T2 and T3, respectively, the motor will rotatecounterclockwise (as viewed from the shaft ends of the motor) when aforward operation command is received. To reverse the direction of motorrotation, switch over any of the two motor leads.• Make sure that the power source is capable of supplying the correct voltageand required current to the AC drive.• Do not attach or remove wiring when power is applied to the AC drive.• Do not inspect components unless the inside “POWER” lamp has turned off.• Do not monitor the signals on the circuit board while the AC drive is inoperation.• For the single-phase rated AC drives, the AC power can be connected to anytwo of the three input terminals R/L1, S/L2, T/L3. Note: This drive is notintended for use with single-phase motors.• Route the power and control wires separately, or at a 90 degree angle to eachother.• If a filter is required for reducing EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference), install itas close as possible to the AC drive. EMI can also be reduced by lowering theCarrier Frequency.• If the AC drive is installed in the place where a load reactor is needed, installthe filter close to U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 side of AC drive. Do not use a Capacitor orL-C Filter (Inductance-Capacitance) or R-C Filter (Resistance-Capacitance),unless approved by Eaton.• When using a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt), select a current sensorwith sensitivity of 200 mA, and not less than 0.1-second detection to avoidnuisance tripping.Motor Operation Precautions• When using the AC drive to operate a standard 3-phase induction motor,notice that the energy loss is greater than for an inverter duty motor.• Avoid running a standard induction motor at low speed. Under theseconditions, the motor temperature may rise above the motor rating due tolimited airflow produced by the motor’s fan.• When the standard motor operates at low speed, the output load must bedecreased.• If 100% output torque is desired at low speed, it may be necessary to use aspecial “inverter-duty” rated motor.Yes Yes NoForwardRunning