MVX9000 Parameter ListingB-16 MVX9000 User ManualParameter TablesTable B-8: 90 — COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS (Continued)Modbus Groups Page # Description Range Default UserSettings0708H 90.09 5-65 Status monitor forerror code 19: Auto Adjust Accel/DecelFailure (cFA) NA20: Software Protection Code(codE)0709H 90.10 5-66 Status monitor forAC drive (Bit 0-1)00 Stop NA01: Decelerate upon stopcommand10: Drive is standing by11: Run(Bit 2) 1: JOG(Bit 3-4) 00: FWD01: REV to FWD10: FWD to REV11: REV(Bit 5-7) Reserved(Bit 8) 1: Source of frequency bycommunication(Bit 9) 1: Source of frequency byAnalog Input(Bit 10) 1: Source of operation bycommunication(Bit 11) 1: Parameters have beenlocked(Bit 12-15) Reserved070AH 90.11 5-66 Status ofCommunicationfrequency0.0 to 400.0 Hz NA070BH 90.12 5-66 Status of outputfrequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz NA070CH 90.13 5-66 Status of outputcurrent 0.0 to Max Amps NA070DH 90.14 5-66 Status of userdefined display(High word)00 to 65535 NA070EH 90.15 5-66 Status of userdefined display(Low word)0.00 to 65535 NA070FH 90.16 5-66 Status of outputvoltage 0.0 to Max V AC NA0710H 90.17 5-66 Status of drivetemperature 0.0 to Max degree C NA0711H 90.18 5-66 Status of DC busvoltage 0.0 to Max V DC NA0712H 90.19 5-66 Status of multi-step 0 to Max step NA0713H 90.20 5-66 Status of PLC time 00 to 65535 NA0714H 90.21 5-66 Status of counter 00 to 65535 NA0715H 90.22 5-66 Status of feedbacksignal 0.0 to 400.0 Hz NA0716H 90.23 5-66 Status of PIDSetpoint 0.0 to 400.0 Hz NA