DIN Rail Adapter (P/N: MVXDR)C-10 MVX9000 User ManualAccessoriesDIN Rail Adapter (P/N: MVXDR)To mount the drive on a DIN Rail Adapter, place the drive and mounting plate onthe rail and push the lever toward the rail.For Models: MVXF25A0-1, MVXF50A0-1, MVX001A0-1, MVXF50A0-2,MVX001A0-2, MVX002A0-2, MVX001A0-4, MVX002A0-4, MVX003A0-4,MVX001A0-5, MVX002A0-5, MVX003A0-5Figure C-8: DIN Rail Adapter (MVXDR)Approximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)ScrewM4 L20ScrewM4 L93.94 (100.0)3.50 (89.0)1.34(34.0) .31(8.0).71(18.0)NutM4 P .03 (.7)ScrewM4 L9ScrewM4 L9.16(4.0).98(25.0)4.92(125.0)5.53(140.5).22(5.5)1.40(35.5)5.96(151.5).22(5.5)1.97(50.0)3.48(88.5)