Group 50 — AC Drive ControlMVX9000 User Manual 5-39Descriptions ofParameter Settings50.26Maximum SpeedSearch Current LevelRange: 30 to 200% Default: 150%Unit: 1%Following a momentary power failure, the AC drive will start itsspeed search operation, only if the output current is greater thanthe value determined by 50.26. When the output current is lessthan that of 50.26, the AC drive output frequency is at a “speedsynchronization point”. The drive will begin to accelerate ordecelerate the motor back to the operating frequency at which itwas running prior to the power failure.Figure 5-40: Power Loss Parameters50.27Upper Limit of OutputFrequencyRange: 0.1 Hz to 400.0 Hz Default: 400.0 HzUnit: 0.1 HzThis parameter must be equal to or greater than the LowerLimit of Output Frequency Limit of OutputFrequencyRange: 0.0 Hz to 400.0 Hz Default: 0.0 HzUnit: 0.1 HzThe Upper and Lower Limit parameters are to preventoperation at frequencies where machine damage may occur.If the Upper Limit of Output Frequency is set at 50 Hz and theMaximum Output Frequency is set at 60 Hz, the actualMaximum Output Frequency will be limited to 50 Hz.If the Lower limit of Output Frequency is set at 10 Hz, and theMinimum Output Frequency is set at 1.0 Hz, then anyCommand Frequency between 1 – 10 Hz will generate a 10 Hzoutput from the drive.This parameter must be equal to or less than the Upper Limitof Output Frequency 50.27.Speed SearchSpeedSynchronizationDetection50.23 = 01Speed SearchStarts with theMaster Frequency50.24Base-BlockTimeOutputVoltageOutputPowerInputPowerMax. AllowablePower Loss Time50.2450.23 = 02Speed SearchStarts with MinimumOutput Frequency50.25Base-BlockTimeMax. AllowablePower Loss Time50.24