Group 90 — Communications5-66 MVX9000 User ManualDescriptions ofParameter SettingsTable 5-3: Communication Mapping Table (Continued)Modbus Groups Description Range0709H 90.10 Status monitor for AC drive(Bit 0-1)00 Stop01: Decelerate upon stopcommand10: Drive is standing by11: Run(Bit 2) 1: JOG(Bit 3-4) 00: FWD01: REV to FWD10: FWD to REV11: REV(Bit 5-7) Reserved(Bit 8) 1: Source of frequency bycommunication(Bit 9) 1: Source of frequency by AnalogInput(Bit 10) 1: Source of operation bycommunication(Bit 11) 1: Parameters have been locked(Bit 12-15) Reserved070AH 90.11 Status of Communicationfrequency0.0 to 400.0 Hz070BH 90.12 Status of output frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz070CH 90.13 Status of output current 0.0 to Max Amps070DH 90.14 Status of user defined display(High word)00 to 65535070EH 90.15 Status of user defined display(Low word)0.00 to 65535070FH 90.16 Status of output voltage 0.0 to Max V AC0710H 90.17 Status of drive temperature 0.0 to Max degree C0711H 90.18 Status of DC bus voltage 0.0 to Max V DC0712H 90.19 Status of multi-step 0 to Max step0713H 90.20 Status of PLC time 00 to 655350714H 90.21 Status of counter 00 to 655350715H 90.22 Status of feedback signal 0.0 to 400.0 Hz0716H 90.23 Status of PID Setpoint 0.0 to 400.0 Hz