4 Commissioning4.5 Acyclic data78 DX-NET-SWD... 08/14 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com4.5.4.4 SmartWire-DT write request – Write jobOnly individual parameter writing is supported (i.e., array and multipleparameter writing is not supported). The maximum parameter request framelength is set at 16 bytes. The maximum length of a writable parameter is onedouble word. Various objects can be transmitted in the parameter channel –these objects are identified by what is referred to as a PNU (parameternumber) and a subindex.The write request includes a declaration that specifies that the job is a writejob.Byte Designation Description0 Request Reference Request identificationUnique identification for a request/response pair for the master.The master can increment the identification number for each newrequest in the application. They are ten mirrored by variablefrequency drive/variable speed starter.01hex - FF hex (i. e. 1dec - 255 dec )1 Request ID Request IDSpecifies the type of request.02hex: Write job2 DO-ID Drive-Object-ID00hex3 No. of Paramters Number of ParametersOnly individual parameter processing is supported.01hex4 Attribute AttributeDefines which object type should be accessed.10hex (16 dez ): Value5 No. of Elements Number of elementsAddress of the parameter that should be accessedPNU 0 up to PNU 999: 00hex (only for subindex 0)PNU 0 up to PNU 999: 01hex6, 7 Parameter number Parameter number (PNU)Address of the parameter that should be accessed0000hex - FFFFhex (i. e. 0dec - 65535dec )8, 9 Subindex SubindexAddress of the parameter's first field element or start of the text0000hex - FFFFhex (i. e. 0dec - 65535dec )10 Format Format01hex - 7Chex (i.e., 01dec - 124 dec ): Data types11 No. of Values Number of valuesNumber of values being accessed.01hex12 – (15) Value ValueThe value of the parameter being accessedThe length depends on the format and can be a maximum of 4 bytes.00000000hex - FFFFFFFFhex (i. e. 0 dec - 4294967295dec )→ In this case, the number of bytes is variable (13, 14, or 16) andwill depend on the selected format.