4 Commissioning4.5 Acyclic data80 DX-NET-SWD... 08/14 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.comSmartWire-DT read response(-) – ErrorIf an error has occurred, the read response will contain an error.These errors are bus-specific and are explained in the correspondingsections.SmartWire-DT read response(+) – Parameter channel errorIf there is an error in the parameter channel, a positive SmartWire-DT readresponse(+) – Parameter channel error will be generated. The error will becontained either in a write job or a read job.The following table lists the PROFIdrive profile‘s parameter channel errors.The possible errors for the variable frequency drive/variable speed starter aremarked (column „DA1, DC1, DE1“).Table 17: Parameter channel errors with PROFIdriveByte Designation Description0 Request Reference Request identification: Is echoed1 Response-ID Response ID: 81 hex : Read job(-); 82 hex: Write job(-)2 DO-ID Drive-Object-ID: Is echoed3 No. of Parameters Number of Parameters: 01 hex4 Format Format: 44 hex : Error5 No. of Values Number of values: 01 hex6 - 9 Error Number Fault number: 00 hex – 23hexFaultnumber[hex]Designation Description Supplemen-tary infor-mationDA1DC1DE100 Invalid parameter number Attempting to access a non-availableparameter0 ✓01 Parameter value cannot bechangedAttempting to have write access to aparameter that cannot be modifiedSubindex ✓02 Value below lower limit orabove upper limitAttempting to have write access with a valueoutside the value rangeSubindex ✓03 Bad subindex Attempting to access to a non-availablesubindex in a string or array parameterSubindex ✓04 Not an array Attempting to use a subindex in order toaccess a parameter without index0 –05 Incorrect data type Attempting to access a parameter with avalue not corresponding to the parameter'sdata type0 ✓06 Setting not allowed Write access with a non-zero value notallowedSubindex ✓07 Description element cannot bemodifiedAttempting to have write access to adescription element that cannot be modifiedSubindex –08 reserved – – –09 No description data available Attempting to access a non-availabledescription. The value is not available.0 ✓