CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPB30 BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-95– Clearing the oscillography records– Changing the date and time– Clearing the breaker arcing current– Clearing the data logger– Clearing the user-programmable pushbutton statesWhen entering a settings or command password via EnerVista or any serial interface, the user must enter thecorresponding connection password. If the connection is to the back of the B30, the remote password must be used. If theconnection is to the RS232 port of the front panel, the local password must be used.The local setting and command sessions are initiated by the user through the front panel display and are disabled either bythe user or by timeout (via the setting and command level access timeout settings). The remote setting and commandsessions are initiated by the user through the EnerVista software and are disabled either by the user or by timeout.The state of the session (local or remote, setting or command) determines the state of the following FlexLogic operands:• ACCESS LOC SETG OFF — Asserted when local setting access is disabled• ACCESS LOC SETG ON — Asserted when local setting access is enabled• ACCESS LOC CMND OFF — Asserted when local command access is disabled• ACCESS LOC CMND ON — Asserted when local command access is enabled• ACCESS REM SETG OFF — Asserted when remote setting access is disabled• ACCESS REM SETG ON — Asserted when remote setting access is enabled• ACCESS REM CMND OFF — Asserted when remote command access is disabled• ACCESS REM CMND ON — Asserted when remote command access is enabledPASSWORD ACCESS EVENTS — This setting allows recording of password access events in the event recorder.Change local passwordsSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP SECURITY CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDSAs outlined in the previous section, there are two user security access levels, setting and command. Use of a password foreach level controls whether users can enter commands or change settings.Proper password codes are required to enable each access level. When a CHANGE COMMAND PASSWORD or CHANGESETTING PASSWORD setting is programmed to “Yes” via the front panel interface, the following message sequence isinvoked:1. ENTER NEW PASSWORD: ____________.2. VERIFY NEW PASSWORD: ____________.3. NEW PASSWORD HAS BEEN STORED.A command or setting write operation is required to update the state of the remote and local security operandslisted.When a setting password or command password is set or updated, user access with a graphical front panel isremoved. Simply log in again on the graphical front panel.When the setting password is set or updated, the graphical front panel Access Level displays as Command. This isbecause the graphical front panel is a Modbus client and it does not have automatic access to the passwordchange. CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDS CHANGE SETTINGPASSWORD: NoRange: No, Yes CHANGE COMMANDPASSWORD: NoRange: No, Yes