3-6 B30 BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPANEL CUTOUTS CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION3Figure 3-6: Horizontal dimensions (IP54 mounting collar)3.2.2 Vertical unitsThe B30 is available as a reduced size (¾) vertical mount unit, with a removable front panel. The front panel is specified asenhanced or standard at the time of ordering. The enhanced front panel contains additional user-programmablepushbuttons and LED indicators.The modular design allows the relay to be upgraded and repaired by qualified service personnel. The front panel is hingedto allow easy access to the modules. The front panel is itself removable to allow mounting on doors with limited rear depthand for upgrading.The case dimensions are shown in the following figures, along with panel cutout details for panel mounting. Whenplanning the location of your panel cutout, ensure that provision is made for the front panel to swing open withoutinterference to or from adjacent equipment.The relay must be mounted such that the front panel sits semi-flush with the panel or switchgear door, allowing theoperator access to the keypad and the RS232 communications port.