CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS FLEXLOGICB30 BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-1695Table 5-20: B30 FlexLogic operandsOperand type Operand syntax Operand descriptionANNUNCIATORGraphical front panelANY ANCTR ABNORMALANY ANCTR ALARMEDOn for one second when any annunciator window state changes fromnormal to abnormalOn while any annunciator window state is abnormalCONTROLPUSHBUTTONSEnhanced andstandard front panelsCONTROL PUSHBTN 1 ONCONTROL PUSHBTN 2 ONCONTROL PUSHBTN 3 ONCONTROL PUSHBTN 4 ONCONTROL PUSHBTN 5 ONCONTROL PUSHBTN 6 ONCONTROL PUSHBTN 7 ONControl pushbutton 1 is being pressedControl pushbutton 2 is being pressedControl pushbutton 3 is being pressedControl pushbutton 4 is being pressedControl pushbutton 5 is being pressedControl pushbutton 6 is being pressedControl pushbutton 7 is being pressedCYBERSENTRY ROLE ADMIN ACTROLE SUPERVISOR ACTROLE ENGINEER ACTROLE OPERATOR ACTROLE OBSERVER ACTAUTHENTICATION FAILUNAUTH FW ATTEMPTUNAUTH SETTING WRITEAdministrator role is active and is set to true when that is the caseSupervisor role is active and is set to true when that is the caseEngineer role is active and is set to true when that is the caseOperator role is active and is set to true when that is the caseObserver role is active and is set to true when that is the caseOperand set for Failed Authentication self-test and alarmOperand set for firmware lock self-test and alarmOperand set for settings lock self-test and alarmDIRECT DEVICES DIRECT DEVICE 1On↓DIRECT DEVICE 16OnDIRECT DEVICE 1Off↓DIRECT DEVICE 16OffFlag is set, logic=1↓Flag is set, logic=1Flag is set, logic=1↓Flag is set, logic=1DIRECT INPUT/OUTPUT CHANNELMONITORINGDIR IO CH1 CRC ALARMDIR IO CH2 CRC ALARMDIR IO CH1 UNRET ALMDIR IO CH2 UNRET ALMThe rate of direct input messages received on channel 1 and failing the CRCexceeded the user-specified levelThe rate of direct input messages received on channel 2 and failing the CRCexceeded the user-specified levelThe rate of returned direct input/output messages on channel 1 exceededthe user-specified level (ring configurations only)The rate of returned direct input/output messages on channel 2 exceededthe user-specified level (ring configurations only)ELEMENT:Auxiliary overvoltageAUX OV1 PKPAUX OV1 DPOAUX OV1 OPAuxiliary overvoltage element has picked upAuxiliary overvoltage element has dropped outAuxiliary overvoltage element has operatedAUX OV2 to 3 Same set of operands as shown for AUX OV1ELEMENT:Breaker flashoverBKR 1 FLSHOVR PKP ABKR 1 FLSHOVR PKP BBKR 1 FLSHOVR PKP CBKR 1 FLSHOVR PKPBKR 1 FLSHOVR OP ABKR 1 FLSHOVR OP BBKR 1 FLSHOVR OP CBKR 1 FLSHOVR OPBKR 1 FLSHOVR DPO ABKR 1 FLSHOVR DPO BBKR 1 FLSHOVR DPO CBKR 1 FLSHOVR DPOBreaker 1 flashover element phase A has picked upBreaker 1 flashover element phase B has picked upBreaker 1 flashover element phase C has picked upBreaker 1 flashover element has picked upBreaker 1 flashover element phase A has operatedBreaker 1 flashover element phase B has operatedBreaker 1 flashover element phase C has operatedBreaker 1 flashover element has operatedBreaker 1 flashover element phase A has dropped outBreaker 1 flashover element phase B has dropped outBreaker 1 flashover element phase C has dropped outBreaker 1 flashover element has dropped outBKR 2 FLSHOVR Same set of operands as shown for BKR 1 FLSHOVRELEMENT:Breaker arcingBKR ARC 1 OPBKR ARC 1 DPOBKR ARC 1 MAX OPBKR ARC 1 MAX DPOBKR ARC 2 OPBKR ARC 2 DPOBKR ARC 2 MAX OPBKR ARC 2 MAX DPOBreaker arcing current 1 has operatedBreaker arcing current 1 has dropped outBreaker arcing current 1 max interrupting current has operatedBreaker arcing current 1 max interrupting current has dropped outBreaker arcing current 2 has operatedBreaker arcing current 2 has dropped outBreaker arcing current 2 max interrupting current has operatedBreaker arcing current 2 max interrupting current has dropped outBKR ARC 3 to 6 Same set of operands as shown for BKR ARC 1