S2 System Setup 745Transformer Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 5ñ33GE MultilinOnload Tap Changer PATH: SETPOINTS !" S2 SYSTEM SETUP !" ONLOAD TAP CHANGERThis section contains the settings to configure the tap position input. The 745accepts a resistive input from the tap changer control circuitry, which is used in the745 to dynamically correct for CT ratio mismatch based on the dynamicallychanging voltage ratio of the transformer. Thus, the percent differential function ofthe device can be set for greater sensitivity. See Dynamic CT Ratio MismatchCorrection on page 5ñ5 for more details on the tap position input.ï WINDING WITH TAP CHANGER: Enter the winding with the tap changer.Enter 'None' for a transformer with no onload tap changer, or to disable thisfeature.ï NUMBER OF TAP POSITIONS: Enter the number of tap positions here.ï MINIMUM TAP POSITION VOLTAGE: Enter the voltage at the lowest tapposition. This is an auto-ranging setpoint dependent on S2 SYSTEM SETUP !TRANSFORMER !" LOW VOLTAGE WINDING RATING; see ranges in the table below.ï VOLTAGE INCREMENT PER TAP: Enter the voltage increment for each tap.The range is affected by the setpoint. This is an auto-ranging setpointdependent on the S2 SYSTEM SETUP ! TRANSFORMER !" LOW VOLTAGE WINDINGRATING value; see ranges in the following table:ï RESISTANCE INCREMENT PER TAP: Enter the resistance increment that the745 will see for each tap increment. The maximum resistance value for the toptap is 5 KΩ.Harmonics PATH: SETPOINTS !" S2 SYSTEM SETUP !" HARMONICSThe 745 calculates the individual harmonics in each of the phase current inputs upto the 21 st harmonic. With this information, it calculates an estimate of the effect ofnon-sinusoidal load currents on the transformer rated full load current. Thesecalculations are based on ANSI/IEEE Standard C57.110-1986, and require! ONLOAD TAP [!]CHANGERWINDING WITH TAPCHANGER: NoneRange: None, Winding 1, Winding 2,Winding 3MESSAGE NUMBER OF TAPPOSITIONS: 33Range: 2 to 50 in steps of 1MESSAGE MINIMUM TAP POSITIONVOLTAGE: 61.0 kVRange: Dependent on LOW VOLTAGEWINDING RATING; see below.MESSAGE VOLTAGE INCREMENTPER TAP: 0.50 kVRange: Dependent on LOW VOLTAGEWINDING RATING; see below.MESSAGE RESISTANCE INCREMENTPER TAP: 33 ΩRange: 10 to 500 Ω in steps of 1Setting Low Voltage Winding Rating Valueabove 5 kV 1 kV to 5 kV below 1 kVMINIMUM TAP POSITIONVOLTAGE 0.1 to 2000.0 kVin steps of 0.10.01 to 200.00kV in steps of0.010.001 to 20.000kV in steps of0.001VOLTAGE INCREMENT PERTAP 0.01 to 20.00 kVin steps of 0.010.001 to 2.000kV in steps of0.0010.0001 to0.2000 kV insteps of 0.0001! HARMONICS [!] HARMONIC DERATINGESTIMATION: DisabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE THD MINIMUM HARMONICNUMBER: 2ndRange: 2nd, 3rd, 4th,..., 21stMESSAGE THD MAXIMUM HARMONICNUMBER: 2ndRange: 2nd, 3rd, 4th,..., 21st