Connecting enerVista 745 Setup to the Relay745Transformer Management RelayInterfacesñ14 GE MultilinConnecting to theRelayNow that the communications parameters have been properly configured, the usercan easily connect to the relay.1. Expand the Site list by double clicking on the site name or clicking on the ´+ªbox to list the available devices for the given site (for example, in the ìPumpingStation 1î site shown below).2. Desired device trees can be expanded by clicking the ´+ª box. The following listof headers is shown for each device:Device DefinitionsSettingsActual ValuesCommandsCommunications3. Expand the Settings > Relay Setup list item and double click on Front Panel toopen the Front Panel settings window as shown below:FIGURE 4ñ4: Main Window After Connection4. The Front Panel settings window will open with a corresponding status indicatoron the lower left of the enerVista 745 Setup window.5. If the status indicator is red, verify that the serial cable is properly connected tothe relay, and that the relay has been properly configured for communications(steps described earlier).The front panel setpoints can now be edited, printed, or changed according to userspecifications. Other setpoint and commands windows can be displayed and editedin a similar manner. Actual values windows are also available for display. Thesewindows can be locked, arranged, and resized at will.Refer to the enerVista 745 Setup Help File for additional information aboutthe using the software.-Expand the Site List by doubleclicking or by selecting the [+] boxCommunications Status IndicatorGreen = OK, Red = No CommsNOTE