S4 Elements 745Transformer Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 5ñ57GE Multilinb) Neutral Time OvercurrentPATH: SETPOINTS !" S4 ELEMENTS !" NEUTRAL OC !" W1(3) NTRL TIME OCï W1(3) NEUTRAL TIME OC PICKUP: Enter the level of neutral current (inunits of relay nominal current) above which the Winding 1(3) Neutral TimeOvercurrent element will pickup and start timing.ï W1(3) NEUTRAL TIME OC SHAPE: Select the time overcurrent curve shapeto be used for the Winding 1(3) Neutral Time Overcurrent element. The TimeOvercurrent Curves on page 5ñ50 describe the time overcurrent curve shapes.ï W1(3) NEUTRAL TIME OC MULTIPLIER: Enter the multiplier constant bywhich the selected time overcurrent curve shape (the base curve) is to beshifted in time.ï W1(3) NEUTRAL TIME OC RESET: Select ìLinearî reset to coordinate withelectromechanical time overcurrent relays, in which the reset characteristic(when the current falls below the reset threshold before tripping) is proportionalto ratio of energy accumulated to that required to trip. Select ìInstantaneousîreset to coordinate with relays, such as most static units, with instantaneousreset characteristics.FIGURE 5ñ17: Neutral Time Overcurrent Scheme Logic! W1 NTRL [!]TIME OCW1 NEUTRAL TIME OCFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE W1 NEUTRAL TIME OCTARGET: LatchedRange: Self-Reset, Latched, NoneMESSAGE W1 NEUTRAL TIME OCPICKUP: 0.85 x CTRange: 0.05 to 20.00 x CT in steps of0.01MESSAGE W1 NEUTRAL TIME OCSHAPE: Ext InverseRange: see description belowMESSAGE W1 NEUTRAL TIME OCMULTIPLIER: 1.00Range: 0.00 to 100.00 in steps of 0.01MESSAGE W1 NEUTRAL TIME OCRESET: LinearRange: Instantaneous, LinearMESSAGE W1 NEUTRAL TIME OCBLOCK: DisabledRange: Logc Inpt 1 to 16, Virt Inpt 1 to16, Output Rly 2 to 8, SelfTestRly, Vir Outpt 1 to 5, Disabled