Working with Setpoints and Setpoint Files 745Transformer Management RelayInterfaces 4ñ17GE Multilinb) Downloading and Saving Setpoints FilesSetpoints must be saved to a file on the local PC before performing any firmwareupgrades. Saving setpoints is also highly recommended before making any setpointchanges or creating new setpoint files.The enerVista 745 Setup window, setpoint files are accessed in the Settings Listcontrol bar window or the Files window. Use the following procedure to downloadand save setpoint files to a local PC.1. Ensure that the site and corresponding device(s) have been properly definedand configured as shown in enerVista Software Interface on page 4ñ7.2. Select the desired device from the site list.3. Select the File > Read Settings from Device menu item to obtain settingsinformation from the device.4. After a few seconds of data retrieval, the software will request the name anddestination path of the setpoint file. The corresponding file extension will beautomatically assigned. Press Save to complete the process. A new entry willbe added to the tree, in the File pane, showing path and file name for thesetpoint file.c) Adding Setpoints Files to the EnvironmentThe enerVista 745 Setup software provides the capability to review and manage alarge group of setpoint files. Use the following procedure to add a new or existingfile to the list.1. In the files pane, right-click on ëFilesí and select the Add Existing Setting Fileitem as shown:2. The Open dialog box will appear, prompting for a previously saved setpoint file.As for any other WindowsÆ application, browse for the file to add then clickOpen. The new file and complete path will be added to the file list.