Protection Schemes 745Transformer Management RelayCommissioning 7ñ11GE MultilinAnalog Outputs 1. The analog output settings are located in the S2 SYSTEM SETUP !" ANALOG OUT-PUTS setpoints section.2. Connect a milliammeter to the Analog Output contacts: COM on A5 and AnalogOutput 1 on A6, Analog Output 2 on A7, Analog Output 3 on A8, Analog Output4 on A9, Analog Output 5 on A10, Analog Output 6 on A11, or Analog Output 7on A12.3. From the settings used for the tested Analog output, determine the mA rangefor the output and the driving signal and its range for the full range of outputcurrent.4. Apply the input signal and vary its amplitude over the full range and ensure theAnalog Output current is the correct amplitude. Record the results in the tablebelow. Duplicate as required for each Analog Output.Tap Position 1. The Analog Input used to sense tap position is programmed with the S2 SYSTEMSETUP !" ONLOAD TAP CHANGER setpoints.2. To verify the operation of this circuit, connect a variable resistor acrossterminals A3 and A4. The resistor range should cover the full range of resistanceproduced by the tap changer mechanism. The tap position is displayed in A2METERING !" TAP CHANGER ! TAP CHANGER POSITION.3. Adjust the resistance to simulate the minimum tap position and verify that a ì1îis displayed. Now gradually increase the resistance up to the value whichrepresents the maximum tap value, verifying that the tap position indicatortracks the resistance.Protection SchemesPrecautions Keep track of modifications/changes made to settings during thecourse of these commissioning steps and ensure that all settings arereturned to the ëin-serviceí values at the end of the tests.Harmonic RestrainedPercent Differentiala) DescriptionThe harmonic restrained percent differential element setpoints are located in S4ELEMENTS !" DIFFERENTIAL ! PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL. Disable all other protectionelements to ensure that trip relay(s) and auxiliary relays are operated by elementunder test only. With a multimeter, monitor the appropriate output contact(s) perintended settings of the FlexLogicô. Refer to the relay settings to find out whichrelay(s) should operate when a given element operates.Table 7ñ2: Analog Output Calibration ResultsAnalog Output Number: __________ Analog Output Min.: ______________Analog Output Value: ___________ Analog Output Max.: ___________Analog Output Range: ____________Input Signal Amplitude(% of full range)Expected mA Output Measured mA Output0255075100CAUTION