S4 Elements745Transformer Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin5ñ80 GE Multilinc) Aging Factor LimitPATH: SETPOINTS !" S4 ELEMENTS !" INSULATION AGING !" AGING FACTOR LIMITThe Aging Factor Limit element provides a means of detecting when a transformer isaging faster than would normally be acceptable. The element operates on thecomputed aging factor, which in turn is derived from the computed hottest-spotvalue. The aging factor value will revert to zero if the power supply to the relay isinterrupted. The necessary settings required for this element to perform correctlyare entered under:ï AGING FACTOR LIMIT PICKUP: Enter the Aging Factor required for operationof the element. This setting should be above the maximum permissible agingfactor under emergency loading condition and maximum ambient temperature.ï AGING FACTOR LIMIT DELAY: Enter a time delay above which the AgingFactor must remain before the element operates.FIGURE 5ñ40: Aging Factor Limit Scheme Logic! AGING FACTOR [!]LIMITAGING FACTOR LIMITFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE AGING FACTOR LIMITTARGET: Self-ResetRange: Self-Reset, Latched, NoneMESSAGE AGING FACTOR LIMITPICKUP: 2.0Range: 1.1 to 10.0 in steps of 0.1MESSAGE AGING FACTOR LIMITDELAY: 10 minRange: 0 to 60000 min. in steps of 1MESSAGE AGING FACTOR LIMITBLOCK: DisabledRange: Logc Inpt 1 to 16, Virt Inpt 1 to16, Output Rly 2 to 8, SelfTestRly, Vir Outpt 1 to 5, Disabled