S4 Elements 745Transformer Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 5ñ77GE Multilinc) Harmonic DeratingPATH: SETPOINTS !" S4 ELEMENTS !" HARMONICS !" W1(3) HARMONIC DERATINGï MINIMUM OPERATING CURRENT: Enter the minimum value of current (inunits of relay nominal current) required to allow the Harmonic Derating elementto operate.ï W1(3) HARMONIC DERATING PICKUP: Enter the harmonic derating belowwhich the Winding 1(3) Harmonic Derating will pickup and start the delay timer.ï W1(3) HARMONIC DERATING DELAY: Enter the time that the harmonicderating must remain below the pickup level before the element operates.FIGURE 5ñ38: Harmonic Derating Scheme Logic! W1 HARMONIC [!]DERATINGW1 HARM DERATINGFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE W1 HARM DERATINGTARGET: Self-ResetRange: Self-Reset, Latched, NoneMESSAGE MINIMUM OPERATINGCURRENT: 0.10 x CTRange: 0.03 to 1.00 x CT in steps of0.01MESSAGE W1 HARM DERATINGPICKUP: 0.90Range: 0.01 to 0.98 in steps of 0.01MESSAGE W1 HARM DERATINGDELAY: 10 sRange: 0 to 60000 s in steps of 1MESSAGE W1 HARM DERATINGBLOCK: DisabledRange: Logc Inpt 1 to 16, Virt Inpt 1 to16, Output Rly 2 to 8, SelfTestRly, Vir Outpt 1 to 5, Disabled