S6 Testing 745Transformer Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 5ñ93GE MultilinSimulation a) Main MenuPATH: SETPOINTS !" S4 ELEMENTS !" INSULATION AGINGb) Simulation SetupPATH: SETPOINTS !" S6 TESTING !" SIMULATION ! SIMULATION SETUPThe simulation feature allows testing of the functionality of the relay in response toprogrammed conditions, without the need of external AC voltage and current inputs.System parameters such as currents and voltages, phase angles and systemfrequency are entered as setpoints. When placed in simulation mode, the relaysuspends reading actual AC inputs and generates samples to represent theprogrammed phasors. These samples are used in all calculations and protectionlogic. Enabling this feature will turn off the In Service LED, turn on the Test ModeLED, and de-energize the self-test relay.WHEN IN SIMULATION MODE, PROTECTION FEATURES DO NOT OPERATEBASED ON ACTUAL SYSTEM INPUTS. IF SIMULATION MODE IS USED FORFIELD TESTING ON EQUIPMENT, OTHER MEANS OF PROTECTION MUST BEPROVIDED BY THE OPERATOR.ï SIMULATION FUNCTION: Select the simulation mode required. SelectDisabled to return the 745 to normal operation. The following table details thesimulation function modes.ñ ìPrefault Modeî: Select Prefault Mode to simulate the normal operatingcondition of a transformer. In this mode, the normal inputs are replacedwith sample values generated based on the programmed prefault values.Phase currents are balanced (i.e. equal in magnitude and 120° apart), andthe phase lag between windings is that which would result under normalconditions for the transformer type selected. The magnitude of phase cur-rents for each winding are set to the values programmed in S6 TESTING !"SIMULATION !" PREFAULT VALUES !" W1(3) PHASE ABC CURRENT MAGNITUDE.The magnitude of the voltage is set to the value programmed in S6 TESTING!" SIMULATION !" PREFAULT VALUES !" VOLTAGE INPUT MAGNITUDE. The fre-quency is set to the value programmed in S2 SYSTEM SETUP ! TRANSFORMER! NOMINAL FREQUENCY.ñ ìFault Modeî: Select ìFault Modeî to simulate the faulted operating condi-tion of a transformer. In this mode, the normal inputs are replaced withsample values generated based on the programmed fault values. The mag-nitude and angle of each phase current and ground current of the availablewindings, the magnitude and angle of the voltage input, and system fre-quency are set to the values programmed under S6 TESTING !" SIMULATION!" FAULT VALUES.! SIMULATION [!] ! SIMULATION [!]SETUP See below.MESSAGE ! PREFAULT [!]VALUES See page 5ñ94.MESSAGE ! FAULT VALUES [!] See page 5ñ94.! SIMULATION [!]SETUPSIMULATION FUNCTION:DisabledRange: Disabled, Prefault Mode, FaultMode, Playback ModeMESSAGE BLOCK OPERATION OFOUTPUTS: 12345678Range: Any combination of outputs 1to 8MESSAGE START FAULT MODESIGNAL: DisabledRange: Disabled, Logc Inpt 1 to 16MESSAGE START PLAYBACK MODESIGNAL: DisabledRange: Disabled, Logc Inpt 1 to 16CAUTION