S4 Elements 745Transformer Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 5ñ59GE MultilinGround Overcurrent a) Main MenuPATH: SETPOINTS !" S4 ELEMENTS !" GROUND OCIn the 745, ìgroundî refers to the current measured in a CT in the connectionbetween the transformer neutral and ground. The 745 has two ground inputs whichare automatically assigned to wye or zig-zag connected windings, based on thetransformer type selected. As a result, only those ground overcurrent settingswhose winding is assigned a ground input are displayed and enabled. This sectioncontains the settings to configure the ground overcurrent elements. Included areground time overcurrents for each (wye or zig-zag) winding, and two levels ofground instantaneous overcurrent for each (wye or zig-zag) winding.b) Ground Time OvercurrentPATH: SETPOINTS !" S4 ELEMENTS !" GROUND OC ! W1(3) GND TIME OCï W1(3) GROUND TIME OC PICKUP: Enter the level of ground current (in unitsof relay nominal current) above which the Winding 1(3) Ground TimeOvercurrent element will pickup and start timing.! GROUND OC [!] ! W1 GND [!]TIME OC See page 5ñ59.MESSAGE ! W2 GND [!]TIME OC See page 5ñ59.MESSAGE ! W3 GND [!]TIME OC See page 5ñ59.MESSAGE ! W1 GND [!]INST OC 1 See page 5ñ60.MESSAGE ! W2 GND [!]INST OC 1 See page 5ñ60.MESSAGE ! W3 GND [!]INST OC 1 See page 5ñ60.MESSAGE ! W1 GND [!]INST OC 2 See page 5ñ60.MESSAGE ! W2 GND [!]INST OC 2 See page 5ñ60.MESSAGE ! W3 GND [!]INST OC 2 See page 5ñ60.! W1 GND [!]TIME OCW1 GROUND TIME OCFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE W1 GROUND TIME OCTARGET: LatchedRange: Self-Reset, Latched, NoneMESSAGE W1 GROUND TIME OCPICKUP: 0.85 x CTRange: 0.05 to 20.00 x CT in steps of0.01MESSAGE W1 GROUND TIME OCSHAPE: Ext InverseRange: see description belowMESSAGE W1 GROUND TIME OCMULTIPLIER: 1.00Range: 0.00 to 100.00 in steps of 0.01MESSAGE W1 GROUND TIME OCRESET: LinearRange: Instantaneous, LinearMESSAGE W1 GROUND TIME OCBLOCK: DisabledRange: Logc Inpt 1 to 16, Virt Inpt 1 to16, Output Rly 2 to 8, SelfTestRly, Vir Outpt 1 to 5, Disabled