A1 Status 745Transformer Management RelayActual Valueshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin 6ñ3GE MultilinDescription Actual value messages are organized into logical groups, or pages, for easyreference. All actual value messages are illustrated and described in blocksthroughout this chapter. A reference of all messages is also provided at the end ofthe chapter. All values shown in these message illustrations assume that no inputs(besides control power) are connected to the 745.Some messages appear on the following pages with a gray background. Thisindicates that the message may not appear depending upon the configuration of therelay (as selected by setpoints) or the options installed in the relay duringmanufacture. For example, no display associated with Winding 3 will ever appear ifthe relay is not configured for three-winding operation.A1 StatusDate and Time PATH: ACTUAL VALUES ! A1 STATUS ! DATE AND TIMEThe current date and time are displayed here.Logic Inputs PATH: ACTUAL VALUES ! A1 STATUS !" LOGIC INPUTSThe states of Logic Inputs 1 through 16 and the setpoint access jumper aredisplayed here. Setpoints cannot be changed from the front panel when theSETPOINT ACCESS STATE is ìOpenî.Virtual Inputs PATH: ACTUAL VALUES ! A1 STATUS !" VIRTUAL INPUTSThe states of Virtual Inputs 1 through 16 are displayed here.! DATE AND TIME [!] CURRENT DATE:Jan 01 2001MESSAGE CURRENT TIME:00:00:00! LOGIC INPUTS [!] LOGIC INPUT 1STATE: Not Asserted↓MESSAGE LOGIC INPUT 16STATE: Not AssertedMESSAGE SETPOINT ACCESSSTATE: Open! VIRTUAL INPUTS [!] VIRTUAL INPUT 1STATE: Not Asserted↓MESSAGE VIRTUAL INPUT 16STATE: Not Asserted