Advanced enerVista 745 Setup Features745Transformer Management RelayInterfacesñ24 GE MultilinThe file is saved as a COMTRADE file, with the extension ëCFGí. In addition tothe COMTRADE file, two other files are saved. One is a CSV (comma delimitedvalues) file, which can be viewed and manipulated with compatible third-partysoftware. The other file is a DAT File, required by the COMTRADE file for properdisplay of waveforms.To view a previously saved COMTRADE file, click the Open button and select thecorresponding COMTRADE file.4. To view the captured waveforms, click the Launch Viewer button. A detailedWaveform Capture window will appear as shown below:FIGURE 4ñ6: Waveform Capture Window Attributes5. The red vertical line indicates the trigger point of the relay.6. The date and time of the trip is displayed at the top left corner of the window. Tomatch the captured waveform with the event that triggered it, make note of thetime and date shown in the graph. Then, find the event that matches the sametime and date in the event recorder. The event record will provide additionalinformation on the cause and the system conditions at the time of the event.Additional information on how to download and save events is shown in EventRecorder on page 4ñ27.Display graph valuesat the correspondingcursor line. Cursorlines are identified bytheir colors.CURSORLINESTo move lines locate the mouse pointerover the cursor line then click and dragthe cursor to the new location.DELTAIndicates timedifference betweenthe cursor linesTRIGGER LINEIndicates thepoint in time forthe triggerTRIGGER TIME & DATEDisplay the time & date of theTrigger CURSOR LINE POSITIONIndicate the cursor line positionin time