S6 Testing745Transformer Management RelaySetpointshttp://www.GEindustrial.com/multilin5ñ92 GE MultilinOutput Relays PATH: SETPOINTS !" S6 TESTING ! OUTPUT RELAYSThe 745 has the ability to override the normal function of all outputs, forcing each toenergize and de-energize for testing. Enabling this feature turns the In Service LEDoff and the Test Mode LED on. Refer to FIGURE 5ñ48: Output Relays Scheme Logicon page 5ñ89 for the output relay scheme logic.ï FORCE OUTPUT RELAYS FUNCTION: Select Enabled to enable the outputrelay testing feature and override normal output relay operation. This setpointis defaulted to Disabled at power on.ï FORCE OUTPUT 1 to 8: Select ìEnergizedî to force Output 1(2-8) to theenergized state or ìDe-energizedî to force Output 1(8) to the de-energizedstate. This setpoint is only operational when output relay testing is enabled.ï FORCE SELF-TEST RLY: Select Energized to force the self-test relay to theenergized state and De-energized to force to the de-energized state. Thissetpoint is only operational while the output relay testing feature is enabled.Analog Outputs PATH: SETPOINTS !" S6 TESTING !" ANALOG OUTPUTSThe 745 has the ability to override the normal function of analog transduceroutputs, forcing each to any level of its output range. Enabling this feature turns theTEST MODE indicator on and de-energize the self-test relay.ï FORCE ANALOG OUTPUT FUNCTION: Select Enabled to enable the analogoutput testing and override the analog output normal operation. This setpointdefaults to Disabled at power on.ï FORCE ANALOG OUT 1 to 7: Enter the percentage of the DC mA output rangeof Analog Output 1(7). For example, if the analog output range has beenprogrammed to 4 to 20 mA, entering 100% outputs 20 mA, 0% outputs 4 mA,and 50% outputs 12 mA. This setpoint is only operational if analog outputtesting is enabled.! OUTPUT RELAYS [!] FORCE OUTPUT RELAYSFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE FORCE OUTPUT 1:De-EnergizedRange: De-energized, Energized↓MESSAGE FORCE OUTPUT 8:De-energizedRange: De-energized, EnergizedMESSAGE FORCE SELF-TEST RLY:De-energizedRange: De-energized, Energized! ANALOG OUTPUTS [!] FORCE ANALOG OUTPUTSFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Enabled, DisabledMESSAGE FORCE ANALOG OUT 1:De-EnergizedRange: De-energized, Energized↓MESSAGE FORCE ANALOG OUT 7:De-energizedRange: De-energized, Energized