5-68 W650 Wind Generator Protection System GEK-113032A5.4 PROTECTION ELEMENTS 5 SETTINGS55.4.9 POWER5.4.9.1 DIRECTIONAL POWER ELEMENT (32)a) ELEMENT DESCRIPTIONThe Directional Power element responds to three-phase active power measured from the feeder associated to the W650.This element can be selected to operate according to the power threshold adjusted in the corresponding setting. Thiselement is ideal for reverse power applications (F32 REV) or forward power (F32 FWD), depending on the selectedsetting. The relay measures the three-phase power for wye or delta connections.The element has an adjustable characteristic angle and minimum operating power as shown in the Directional PowerCharacteristic diagram. The element responds to the following condition:P cos(ϕ) + Q sin (ϕ) > SMINwhere: P and Q are active and reactive powers as measured per the W650 convention, ϕ is the angle set at the 32 setting(DIR POWER ANGLE) in degrees in steps of 0.01º, and SMIN is the minimum operating power.The element has two independent (as to the pickup and delay settings) elements. Both elements can be used for alarmand trip, and they can be set separately to provide a mixed power protection.The Directional Power Characteristic is shown in the following diagram.Figure 5–14: POWER DIRECTIONAL CHARACTERISTICBy making the characteristic angle adjustable from 0º to 360º in steps of 0.01º, a variety of operating characteristics can beachieved as presented in the figures below. For example, for an angle of 0º, the element would operate as a 32 ForwardPower element, while if setting an RCA angle of 180º, the element would operate as a 32 Reverse Power element. Forangles of 90º and 270º, the case would be similar but with reactive power.DIR POWER ANGLE