GEK-113032A W650 Wind Generator Protection System B-7APPENDIX B B.2 MODBUS W650BB.2.6 FUNCTION CODESCODE MODBUSNAMEW650DEFINITIONCOMMENTHEX DEC03 3 Read HoldingRegistersReading of anyvalueAny of these two functions allow the master to read 1 or more consecutive relayaddresses. Registers are always 16-bit long with the most important byte first. Themaximum number of registers that can be read in a single package is 125, equivalentto 250 bytes.04 4 Read InputRegistersReading of anyvalue10 16 Preset MultipleRegistersWriting This function allows writing 1 or more registers representing one or more settings.Registers are 2-byte long values, transmitted with the most important byte first. Themaximum number of registers to be written in a single package is 125.