C-2 W650 Wind Generator Protection System GEK-113032AC.1 DNP 3.0 PROTOCOL SETTINGS APPENDIX CC1. Physical Port: The W650 supports the Distributed Network Protocol (DNP) version 3.0. The W650 can be used asa DNP slave device connected up to three DNP masters (usually RTUs or SCADA master stations).. The PhysicalPort setting is used to select the communications port assigned to the DNP protocol for a specific logical DNP slavedevice of W650. When this setting is set to NETWORK, the DNP protocol can be used over either TCP/IP or UDP/IP.2. Address: This setting is the DNP slave address. This number identifies de W650 on a DNP communications link.Each logical DNP slave should be assigned a unique address.3-22. IP Addr Client x Oct x: this setting is one of four octets of an IP address. The W650 relay can respond to amaximum of 5 specific DNP masters (not in the same time). To set the IP address of DNP master it is necessary toset four octets (e.g. to set the IP address of the first DNP master to, you should set IP Addr Client1Oct1 = 192, IP Addr Client1 Oct2 = 168, IP Addr Client1 Oct3 = 48, IP Addr Client1 Oct4 = 125).23. TCP/UDP Port: TCP/UDP port number for the case of DNP3 communication being performed through theEthernet.24. Unsol Resp Function: ENABLED, if unsolicited responses are allowed, and DISABLED otherwise.25. Unsol Resp TimeOut: sets the time the W650 waits for a DNP master to confirm an unsolicited response.26. Unsol Resp Max Ret: This setting determines the number of times the W650 will retransmit an unsolicitedresponse without receiving a confirmation from the master. Once this limit has been exceeded, the unsolicitedresponse will continue to be sent at larger interval. This interval is called unsolicited offline interval and is fixed at 10minutes.27. Unsol Resp Dest Adr: This setting is DNP address to which all unsolicited responses are sent. The IP address towhich unsolicited responses are sent is determined by the W650 from either the current DNP TCP connection orthe most recent UDP message.28-32. Scale Factor: These settings are numbers used to scale Analog Input point values. These settings group the W650Analog Input data into types: current, voltage, power, energy, and other. Each setting represents the scale factor forall Analog Input points of that type. For example, if the Voltage Scale Factor is set to a value of 1000, all DNPAnalog Input points that are voltages will be returned with the values 1000 times smaller (e.g. a value 72000 V onthe W650 will be returned as 72). These settings are useful when Analog Input values must be adjusted to fit withincertain ranges in DNP masters. Note that a scale factor of 0.1 is equivalent to a multiplier of 10 (i.e. the value will be10 times larger).33-37. Deadband: These settings are the values used by the W650 to determine when to trigger unsolicited responsescontaining Analog Input data. These settings group the W650 Analog Input data into types: current, voltage, power,energy, and other. Each setting represents the default deadband value for all Analog Input points of that type. Forexample, in order to trigger unsolicited responses from the W650 when any current values change by 15 A, theCurrent Deadband setting should be set to 15. Note that these settings are the default values of the deadbands.DNP object 34 points can be used to change deadband values, from the default, for each individual DNP AnalogInput point. Whenever power is removed and re-applied to the W650, the default deadbands will be in effect.SETTING NO SETTING NAME DEFAULT VALUE RANGE35 Power Deadband 30000 0 to 65535, step 136 Energy Deadband 30000 0 to 65535, step 137 Other Deadband 30000 0 to 65535, step 138 Msg Fragment Size 240 30 to 2048, step 139 Binary Input Block1 CTL EVENTS 1-16 See the explanation below40 Binary Input Block2 CTL EVENTS 17-32 See the explanation below41 Binary Input Block3 CTL EVENTS 33-48 See the explanation below42 Binary Input Block4 CTL EVENTS 49-64 See the explanation below43 Binary Input Block5 CTL EVENTS 65-80 See the explanation below44 Binary Input Block6 CTL EVENTS 81-96 See the explanation below45 Binary Input Block7 CTL EVENTS 97-112 See the explanation below46 Binary Input Block8 CTL EVENTS 113-128 See the explanation below47 Binary Input Block9 SWITCHGEAR 1-8 See the explanation below48 Binary Input Block10 SWITCHGEAR 9-16 See the explanation below