5-112 W650 Wind Generator Protection System GEK-113032A5.8 RELAY CONFIGURATION 5 SETTINGS55.8.3.1 HOW TO PROGRAM AN OPERATIONExample of how to program an operation to close a breaker with an operating time of 90 ms (closing), incorporating 52/bcontacts to indicate the change of position, using an interlock logic to enable the operation if Not AR RLC INPROGRESS there is no autoreclose in progress. The operation must be commanded from the relay faceplate using oneof the available operation push buttons.To configure the related operation, go to Setpoint > Relay Configuration and select Operations tab.This screen shows all the fields required for the operations configuration in the W650. In order to select an operation, presson the operation name under the Select column, and all the related parameters will be enabled. The chosen name for theoperation is entered in “Command Text”. To configure an interlock logic, select the Logic option in “Interlocks Type”.Once this option has been selected, the interlock configuration screen will be enabled. To display this screen, click on“Press for Logic” for the desired operation on its Interlocks column. On this Interlocks screen, the two conditions thatconform the Interlock that enables the operation have been selected. To save the interlock, press on the disk icon on thetoolbar. A “Logic Saved” message will be displayed.Once the Interlocks have been defined, the user must define the success conditions for the operation, define Final StateType as LOGIC, and a “PRESS FOR LOGIC” message will light up below Final States. When clicking on “PRESS FORLOGIC”, the success condition screen will be displayed, defining there as BREAKER CLOSED.The front key to be used for executing the Operation can be selected on the Frontal Key column, in this example the Key Ioption is selected on “Frontal Key”. As none of the other contact input or virtual output options are going to be used theywill be set as None. The success condition time “Time out” is set to 500 ms, and the operation is only enabled through therelay keypad, so only the MMI option is selected, thus disabling the rest of options (COM1, COM2, ETHERNET master arenot selected).All the selections previously related are summarized in the following table:Table 5–86: OPERATION SETTINGSFinally, configure a contact output to be activated with the programmed Operation (Operation1).OPERATION COMMAND TEXT SETTINGS VALUE/SOURCEOperation1 CLOSE BREAKER INTERLOCK (LOGIC) Not AR RLC IN PROGRESSFINAL STATES (LOGIC) BREAKER CLOSEDFRONT KEY I KeyINPUT Not configuredVIRTUAL OUTPUT Not configuredTIMEOUT 500CHANNELS MMI