GEK-113032A W650 Wind Generator Protection System 10-910 BOOTCODE AND FIRMWARE UPGRADE 10.3 FIRMWARE VERSION UPGRADE1010.3FIRMWARE VERSION UPGRADEThe relay settings and configuration will be lost, so it is advisable to save them to a file. Take into account that if theboot code has been previously upgraded, all the data (including calibration settings) was lost.In case of error during the firmware upgrading process, the user could repeat the whole process as many times asnecessary, this is possible thanks to an independent boot memory (bootcode).The firmware upgrading process should be done using the EnerVista 650 Setup software, after connecting the relay byEthernet port (COM3).10.3.1 FIRMWARE UPGRADEOnce the communication with the relay through Ethernet connection has been verified 1 , enter the EnerVista 650 Setupprogram, select Communication and the Upgrade Firmware Version option.Therefore, it is necessary to save all settings to a file before following with the process.Figure 10–16: FIRMWARE-BOOT VERSION COMPATIBILITYAfter accepting to proceed, a window will open up for the upgrade parameter.It is also necessary to enter the ordering codefor the relay. See figure below:This change is due to the multilingual implementation in W650 devices. See ordering code section in product descriptionchapter in this manual (section 2.3)1. Calibration settings should be stored in a file before upgrading the firmware.Go to EnerVista 650 Setup main menu “Communication > Calibration > Get Calibration Settings”Store the file in the PC using the relay serial number, for instance, as the name of the file.