POST message Description00180100 A PCI adapter has requested memory resources that are not available.Action:1. Make sure that the PCI adapter and all other adapters are set correctly in theConfiguration/Setup Utility program. If the memory resource settings are notcorrect, change the settings. For information about using theConfiguration/Setup Utility program, see “Using the Configuration/Setup Utilitymain menu” on page 21.2. If all memory resources are being used, you might need to remove an adapterto make memory available to the PCI adapter. For information about removingadapters, see “Working with adapters” on page 53. Disabling the adapter BIOSon the adapter might correct the error. Refer to the documentation providedwith the adapter.00180200 A PCI adapter has requested an I/O address that is not available, or the PCIadapter might be defective.Action:1. Make sure that the I/O address for the PCI adapter and all other adapters areset correctly in the Configuration/Setup Utility program. For information aboutusing the Configuration/Setup Utility program, see “Using theConfiguration/Setup Utility main menu” on page 21.2. If the I/O port resource settings are correct, the PCI adapter might be defective.Have the system serviced.00180300 A PCI adapter has requested a memory address that is not available, or the PCIadapter might be defective.Action:1. Make sure that the memory address for all other adapters are set correctly inthe Configuration/Setup Utility program. If the memory resource settings are notcorrect, change the settings. For information about using theConfiguration/Setup Utility program, see “Using the Configuration/Setup Utilitymain menu” on page 21.2. If the memory resource settings are correct, the PCI adapter might be defective.Have the system serviced.00180400 A PCI adapter has requested a memory address that is not available.Action: If all memory addresses are being used, you might need to remove anadapter to make memory address space available to the PCI adapter. Forinformation about removing adapters, see “Working with adapters” on page 53.Disabling the adapter BIOS on the adapter might correct the error. Refer to thedocumentation provided with the adapter.00180500 A PCI adapter ROM error occurred.Action: Remove the PCI adapters. If you can start the server without theadapters, reinstall each adapter one at a time and retest after each is reinstalled.When an adapter fails, replace it.If you cannot isolate and correct the problem, have the system serviced.00180600 A PCI-to-PCI bridge error occurred. More than one PCI bus tried to access memorybelow 1 MB.Action: Remove the PCI adapter that has the PCI bridge. If you can start theserver without the adapter, reinstall and retest the adapter. If the adapter fails,replace it.If you cannot isolate and correct the problem, have the system serviced.00180700 xxxxyyyy Planar PCI device does not respond.where xxxx is the PCI vendor ID and yyyy is the PCI device ID.Action: Have the system serviced.120 IBM xSeries User's Reference