Serial port problems ActionThe number of serialports identified by theoperating system is lessthan the number of serialports installed.Verify that:1. Each port is assigned a unique address by the Configuration/SetupUtility program and none of the serial ports is disabled.Note: The management C connector is the same as a serial portconnector, but it is used only by the integrated AdvancedSystem Management Processor, and is not available for useby the operating system. This port does not appear in theConfiguration/Setup Utility program menus; it can beconfigured using the systems-management software providedwith your server.2. The serial-port adapter, if you installed one, is seated properly.If the problem still exists, have the system serviced.A serial device does notwork.Verify that:1. The device is compatible with the server. Refer to Chapter 7,“Getting help, service, and information” on page 161 for informationabout obtaining ServerProven compatibility information from the WorldWide Web.2. The serial port is enabled and is assigned a unique address.3. Make sure that the device is not connected to management port C.Note: The management C connector is the same as a serial portconnector, but it is used only by the integrated AdvancedSystem Management Processor and is not available for use bythe operating system. This port does not appear in theConfiguration/Setup Utility program menus; it can beconfigured using the systems-management software providedwith your server.If the problem still exists, have the system serviced.Universal Serial Bus(USB) port problems ActionA USB device does notwork.Verify that:1. You are not trying to use a USB device during POST if you have astandard (non-USB) keyboard attached to the keyboard port.Note: If a standard (non-USB) keyboard is attached to the keyboardport, then the USB is disabled and no USB device will workduring POST.2. The correct USB device driver is installed.3. Your operating system supports USB devices.If the problem still exists, have the system serviced.Printer problems ActionThe printer does notwork.Verify that:1. The printer is turned on and is online.2. The printer signal cable is connected to the correct serial or parallelport on the server. For the location of the serial or parallel port, see“Input/output connectors and expansion slots” on page 11.Note: Non-IBM printer cables might cause unpredictable problems.3. You have assigned the printer port correctly in your operating systemor application program.4. You have assigned the printer port correctly using theConfiguration/Setup Utility program.If the printer still does not work, run the tests described in thedocumentation that comes with your printer. If the tests show that theprinter is OK, have the system serviced.Chapter 6. Solving problems 147