Function: diskette drive messages (206)Result Test-specific stringNote: If you receive any diagnostic error messages that are not shown in this table, make sure thatyour server has the latest levels of BIOS, Advanced System Management Processor, and diagnosticsmicrocode installed. If the problem persists, have the system serviced.Failed Internal diskette drive bayAction: Have the system serviced.Function: CD-ROM messages (215)Result Test-specific stringNote: If you receive any diagnostic error messages that are not shown in this table, make sure thatyour server has the latest levels of BIOS, Advanced System Management Processor, and diagnosticsmicrocode installed. If the problem persists, have the system serviced.Failed On system boardAction: Have the system serviced.Function: hard disk drive messages (217)Result Test-specific stringNote: If you receive any diagnostic error messages that are not shown in this table, make sure thatyour server has the latest levels of BIOS, Advanced System Management Processor, and diagnosticsmicrocode installed. If the problem persists, have the system serviced.Failed BIOS drive #nwhere n is the drive bay number.Action: Have the system serviced.Function: magnetic tape drive messages (264)Result Test-specific stringNote: If you receive any diagnostic error messages that are not shown in this table, make sure thatyour server has the latest levels of BIOS, Advanced System Management Processor, and diagnosticsmicrocode installed. If the problem persists, have the system serviced.Aborted Test setup error: No tape drives foundAction:1. Check the cable and power connections to the drive.2. If the problem persists, refer to the documentation provided with the tape drive.If the problem persists, have the system serviced.Failed The load/mount test failed for device n on adapter mwhere n is the number of the device and m is the adapter number.Action: Refer to the documentation provided with the tape drive.If the problem persists, have the system serviced.Failed The Read/Write Self-diagnostic failed for device n on adapter mwhere n is the number of the device and m is the adapter number.Action:1. Insert a new tape cartridge and run the diagnostic test again.2. If the problem persists, refer to the documentation provided with the tape drive.If the problem persists, have the system serviced.134 IBM xSeries User's Reference